


I did not become a logician. That's how I appeared. One notices that to my pictures, but still much more to my writings certainly, how that is for me. Often I had to pass, if it was about a causality of the given. My spirit is empty and conditioned. So it has become simple with the time and so it has remained to me. I have heard that myself in this way. The question of whether I welcomed it or whether I condemned it has not arisen for me until today. I take it as it has come, and preserve for myself that good which I can have.


Examples of a speech design

Some of our own literature can be found on the website here as follows in the menu 'Small header page' under the heading 'The construction kit' at the tabs there. There you can find the link to the overview page. ( The texts in my wikis are freely created contents, which are only related to the person of their author (Mathias Schneider [Totan Brangassivo Drake (from 2011); Trivius V. Constantius (from 2021)]).


Land Pirates - aphorisms, short stories and recent poems, as well as the story 'In the Mountains of Attartkan' in its third version.

Dreamtime - poems, aphorisms and meditations from before the year 2006

Folk Trash - songs impromptu with the combo 'Totans Revenge' in lyrics as well as something more to the matter of music.

Picture meditations - Smaller meditations with reference to a picture

Origin - poems, aphorisms and meditations from around the year 2000 - It is a fixed point of Schneider's oeuvre.

Tiefenrausch - Short aphorisms without an actual context and in addition a few meditation books, such as the book Liv.

Furthermore, Schneider operates a few other wikis for the purpose of carrying out a language design. There he presents those things of his own interest to a greater or lesser extent. These pages are also available for you to read.


Mathias Schneider ('Art-Trash' - Trivius V. Constantius) - The wiki here is supposed to be the small head page of the 'construction kit', his card index.

Totan Brangassivo Drake - The actual header of the card index contains an independently developed artistic concept.

Hermitage - The background of the author is shown here.

Brick House - The additions to the Wiki Hermitage once again show some of the author's thoughts and ideas.

Craft - A collection of texts with a focus on working as an artist

Mandala of the Heart - A collection of texts with a focus on the personality of the author.

Tree of life - A collection of texts about the living environment of a person

Hatha - A presentation of own thoughts on the philosophy of yoga

Alchemy - A fashionable presence of thoughts and ideas about creative activities in general.

Resonance - The standalone addition to the Alchemy wiki with a focus on vibrating a matrix of tissues.

Beggar's Art Service - Something about the philosophy of 'art-trash'.

The Theorem - A Permissive Elaboration of Thoughts and Ideas

Language and design - the necessary regulative for the preparation of his work exhibition

Originally, the author ran this project as a role-playing game and understood his web pages for it as Beggar's Set.