

Freedom of movement

Only the living processes can be maintained by us people. There the peculiarities of our existence bring something for us, which has limited our ability. If we intervene in these processes, then still nothing would change by it. Everything persists, whether we are impressed by it or not.


One way for everything

Mathias Schneider exhibits his things in a cone of light, which has shone on them little by little with his light. Then he has considered something as soon as it has arisen with him and his thoughts about it have been clear to him. Thereupon he has taken up it to his file and has said soon more to it than alone only the most necessary.

Everything starts from here. From here it starts with the representation of his way. At the same time, his exhibition was not a guided one. It did not appear that way, because Schneider's work did not appear that way either. He is right in saying that it is what happened with him. That was true, now it is in the same condition. Neither is there a lock for it, nor does he have another key for it to own than that.

How is a readership supposed to come to terms with what he has prepared for them? - We will have to see what kind of interest arises. Just as the author likes to stay in the shadows and has approached his work with restraint, his readership has also appeared to him as one that likes to remain unconsidered and does not stand out at all.

Schneider reflected on his inner world in his work and began to locate it. Some of it he has fixed with the time. His things are perceptible. That's how they occurred and failed. The fact that he has left them in this state, as they appear there, is supposed to be a clue to how he is. That's how his being is simply knitted. One can certainly read that from his things.

A complexity of what is given with it, meanwhile, has resulted from the whole of what he has taken into account. That has been by no means little. But how should he do it also differently!

Without now having an actual picture of his personal background, one will hardly be able to pin down what Schneider's words mean. But this has remained in the shadow. Everyone has one of his own. This is just as true for him as for any other person. There would be no need for him to discuss which book has suited him well and which log he embodies.

Meanwhile, his things have prospered more and more. Little of it still remained in a raw state. So, as the things indicated by him have now existed, so they shall be. Meanwhile, the scale [1: 1] has existed for it and the proportion [1: 1: 1] has applied to it. The whole is of a simple valency, which is to be described correctly by the formula [1] or [100 %] as the result of their summation. Thus the author made it quite easy for himself and kept his things simple.

Naturally everything has been with him. He has represented it tentatively, as it should be true for him. Besides, he has kept to the principle that the trivial of it has formed the basis of what is entered to a man. Thus it will be clear what he wants to say. The good of it he has communicated and has left everything afterwards as it has already been.


Recognize and appreciate

People like to approach each other. You know what you know. We make that true. To do this, we speak of things we know. We attach great importance to each of us having our say and being heard. What happens to us in this existence should be something whose meaning we can hear. We know how to assign this. There we have recognized it completely rightly as that good, what it has been for us. This is how it finally happened.

Then we thought about it and understood something. We have approached a reason in this way.

From good comes good. We believed in that.


Walk on his shadow

Life is a reflexive one. Everything that occurs has an effect. This will be valid also for a past of us. There we have to realize what it has meant to us. We have to recognize something of it, we have to realize something of it. Thus, already nowadays we have a shadow, which conditions us. Even if we are still so alive, everything has its garment and therefore also its appearance.

There we can drift into still so distant realms of the human mind, a life is spent here. Only then, when our person and our being have appeared congruent to each other, can we do well with this existence.

Our person, meanwhile, is making history. That makes something of us. There we all have something in mind that has meant a lot to us. However, our scale has always been that of a state of mind. That is how it has appeared. Such a one, meanwhile, endows us with more extensive goods. For this reason, our understanding of a person's mind should be a key to that person's personality.


Only the master of his trade can reach his goal, who also has an eye for the nature of things.


A phenomenal reality and the consciousness of a human being relate to each other like the shadow and the light.


Of the essence of man

The mystery to be clarified in the end has come to light obviously and has appeared to everyone in an equivalent way. This statement should be valid for what we want to think about in order to find an approach for a self-determination of our way of life in the big as well as in the small. It should be a whole way, which we can walk in an unabridged way.

Starting from the goodness of a situation known to us, we hear the given with clarity. Everything should be based on it, everything should be able to be completed in a similar way to what we have heard. That is why we memorize the essence of things in this way. For them it was true that what appeared was trivial. Only because we have reduced everything to its trivial basis, a way has opened for it, which has made it true, what has appeared there with us. Such facts were evident. It was necessary to speak about them.

Every incapacity of a human being has resulted from a misjudgment of the things and has led to his failure. First it has been only partial areas what has degenerated there with us. They have appeared to us primarily insignificant. But with each further smear of our fortune it has become more and more unstable. Also we appeared in a suitable way before our environment. Only when the losses could not be overlooked any more, they supported us and intervened in our destiny. What has come true thereupon has not always appeared favorable.

A need of explanation the people alone have maintained only very reluctantly, It is spoken incessantly. The goodness of the words knows no other border than that, which it said, who one is. Everyone gives himself a certain role by his statements. Also our actions appear in a way equivalent to it. It should be a mere formality that we humans receive what we have initiated. The fate has been inexorable in it to fulfill us the own will. Then I went into myself and remembered those certain moments of my existence which once endowed it richly. I have held on to these situations. Those tasks connected with them led me to unite with distant destinies of my life starting from the presentness of my existence. The connections to me which have arisen thereby have been latent with me until I have finally recognized and found them. First one must presuppose something, before one can hear it. Equipped with such an assumption I have imputed to myself senses of fact and perceptions which have been inherent in me. I have brought them forth by pointing them out. With the duration that my things have appeared to me, I have gradually been able better to achieve a suitable shaping for them. There I have read some of it at my writings and have integrated it again into them. Everything has appeared according to its essence of a reflection.

For a reflection it has been valid that it is bar of any lever. Thus, it will be also without any leverage. In other words, it shall be independent of what the own being has meant to us. Thus it is the constant of our existence and has inscribed us an actual virtuality. By means of a back reflection of these things we have reflected them in us and have made something true for us, which has been able to occur on it. There it has let itself emanate through us.

This actual appearance corresponds with our being thanks to that intentional action caused by us. For it we have to presuppose the own virtuality. Only the good established with us has to own a relevance for what we can achieve. There we have a power to own, by means of which we can move something.

Meanwhile, everything appears as this world is given. This is how it has occurred. There we have learned and recognized it what an electromagnetic oscillation is. This phenomenon has appeared to us primarily in such a way that it will be difficult to equate it with our peculiarity of looking at this world. Nevertheless, we have recognized the model of an electromagnetic oscillation and have resigned ourselves to the fact that everything is as it appears. Moreover we have believed it that its perpetual existence comes from the fact that this system of oscillating properties is already consistent. There we have also appeared in an equivalent way to it because we have been a part of the whole.

These are all things I want to take into account when I now recognize my state of mind as the sum of what constitutes me. There life speaks a language. It will be frequent, so it will mean sometimes this and sometimes that. Important is its changing peculiarity. But it is also important that the occurring and the absent are more than the whole, what has appeared there. Everything that has appeared has constituted the whole in the whole. The absent, on the other hand, has been something that is supposed to be additional to it. It makes a multiple of that what has emanated.

Presence is everything, absence has been nothing. Thanks to such an assignment, we can take into account what has made us throughout our lives.