Arc of tension


Have respect

If there can be one thing that will be necessary for all happiness in a person's life, it should be his credibility. Such a thing has come to the fore with us. Even before a trust placed in another person, it has taken place. So it has already taken its true rank with us.

A person wants to gain a certain credibility, and rightly so. For this, he should be real, simple and sincere in his manner.


A truth and its occurrence

A valence of the given always occurs in connection with its reflection. For this hermetic principles are valid, because such are defined now once in such a way. As long as the things have not done any work, this is supposed to be true and to be valid. There they would accomplish nothing, but have nevertheless corresponded to an order as it is. Thus they have occurred and have embodied something of it. In this way everything has found to its substance and has received thus also its framework. The whole has stood firm.

Meanwhile we humans have been incapable to leave something as it has occurred, as long as we would not have the suitable force approach for it to own. In order to find now such one, we have claimed it that we can test ourselves. After an uncertain procedure we did that. However, since we are aware of the fact that our way is not a secured one, we have done something right. Try and error. Starting from an initial value, which just occurs with us, we have taken up and left everything. Life should be a truth in itself. There we have done everything, because we have done nothing to it.

Equipped with a corresponding knowledge, we have known how to fix what has come to us in the form of suggestions. After their sighting we have learned it to arrange something given. This made everything else possible. A sorting of the impulses of us has resulted in something. Such have always occurred sequentially. There we have experienced them directly and received in turn what we have been able to preserve. Some things have inscribed themselves to us in the meantime, what should be without value. There it has been empty and also remained so. That has been everything else than special.

Thus, we have given space to a triviality. The fact that it has occurred has affected us ourselves. That's why we have also felt like that and have appeared to us in a way equivalent to it. All this was nothing, but this is how it was experienced. Stupid and brave, bad and neat, true and dishonest should be adjectives for what has appeared there with us and has let us puzzle, for what such a thing should be good. But we also knew how to fix it, it was without meaning and therefore hardly of importance for our own cause. Therefore, we have finally stopped searching for the core of what is inherent in the things. We have renounced knowledge, but we have acquired some knowledge of triviality. In this way an instrument has come into being, which has not sounded. It is given to us in the hand. The light, which has occurred hidden in the matter, has persevered there completely rightly.


A tension arc as a feature

The written material of the author Schneider would probably not be to be grasped so well by a person hardly familiar with these things, before such a one has acquired a certain knowledge to the actual arc of tension of it, as it was valid with him. Schneider would like to maintain a positively effective condition of the own forces in the everyday life with its help. Thanks to this, he has already been able to preserve many a good thing.

For this purpose, he does not use any other trick than to imagine a pulling force in all given effectiveness at times. So, this is supposed to be a normal force, which occurs in a structure of further force effects, as it occurred with him. Such secondary forces occur as companions of such a normal force. Their correspondence is pre-drawn by the body of the human being and thus determined. This has triggered a basic tension at the body which appears regular to him and which is able to renew itself constantly.

Mathias Schneider implements this as knowledge.

When drawing his pictures, he likes to use such pulling movements on purpose. He guides the pencil or brush in a straight path in this way. This results in neat shapes on the paper in front of him. This should also give him many a good opportunity to coordinate his hands. There he will find his way with it, as he feels. Everything else should result thereupon by an observance of the regularity of what he has done there.


Distinguishing the effects of a force

Compressive force

Spreading of the lines of action according to the body geometry

Displacement of the bodies against each other

Distribution of the force effect


Concentration of the lines of action according to the body geometry

Centering the bodies to each other

Bundling of the force effect


Body geometry as a prerequisite

A suitable body geometry should always be the essential prerequisite for the application of a virtual magnitude, such as a force. Thanks to the intrinsic geometry of an object, it is well suited for certain applications.

Since forces are effective both from the outside and from the inside, as well as to the outside and to the inside, they also appear in such a way. Their properties are to be concluded simply. They are always present.


A change of posture puts us in a new position. To be able to take it, we must faithfully hear any posture as it is. Meanwhile, the approach inscribed in us for preserving our own strength should be a simple one. We contract, keeping the vacuum in mind. Starting from such a state of affairs, we have assumed something about us to be gaseous. The fact that we pull together such a gas, unites everything in us what has constituted us at any time. There it should be true what we can experience and may experience. We have dealt with that and have made something true.