The inner path


Recognize one's own point of view

He who has something for himself can use it. So we consider what is given and yet we have not understood much of it. That is why we try to help ourselves. We do this whenever we have the opportunity to do so.

We have seen the good and yet possessed nothing of it. Meanwhile, they liked to make us long teeth. We were impressed by what others could do. We praised them for it.


To know something

People sometimes talk in confusion. Whoever listens to you gets told something. Meanwhile, it should apply that the sum of the whole is good. Weaknesses are created only by obliquities. Such we leave.

That good, for which there was a readiness among the people, should be seen by us. For this purpose we have remained independent, what has been there, but we have recognized something in it. However, we do not waste our attention just because we have given it to our fellow men. What is true should also be of a benign nature. Through this, we are fixed in our behavior.


Body and surface

The obvious has appeared tangible for a man. There he took it in the hand and looked at it. In contrast, the distant is to be heard by him like a wall. There he can look, but he has not understood it what that has been.

Thanks to our well-developed associative ability, we have substituted things perceived in everyday life as soon as they seemed unrecognizable to us. There we have assumed such facts for it, which are better known to us. It corresponds to our ability that we can grasp something quite well by the use of substitutes although it would not be familiar to us as phenomenon.

If we go toward something lying far away, it has not come closer at all. Only the horizon has shifted. A distance remains far. From this we make it, what must have always been true for the distances. They have been constant and have built up radially around ourselves. Thus we carry these distances with us and have therefore completely rightly assumed an own horizon for us.

Something like this can be valid for any dimension.

That's where we consider the relevant influencing variables to be obvious. What occurs daily with us also has an effect in this way. With it the sun and the moon have appeared closer for us than some people have been. Likewise the yoke of the life has remained well perceptible for a human being. As a rule, it is closer to us than it has been right for us. However, he who has striven for happiness has hardly complained about it. He recognizes what is given to him as something that is duly present. There it belongs to him.

But what makes the image of such a reality? - Well, we can say it that we can take something in the hand, because it is physical. Looking at it we would like, but just as well it will be to be felt by us what it constitutes. At the same time this phenomenon appears again at every time and is perceptible. Everything appears and everything is also true. Thereby it is to be experiencable for us.

What we can only make out on the horizon alone will be different from what came before. That is planar, resembles a picture and could not be taken in the hand. Our hands are big, our arms are long, but everything that is further away than the ground at our feet, we can hardly grasp.

For this reason we recognize immediately that the microcosm of man is physically near, while the macrocosm appears pictorially distant. Therefore, we assign to the macroscopic representations of the given a planar mode of representation. In contrast, we try to grasp the same order of magnitude plastically as soon as it has come close to us.

Thus we have equated body and surface with each other. Analogously, a microcosm and the macrocosm appeared to us as equatable. Faithful to this very first assignment we look at the whole and determine its value. What has made it, is not to be fixed at all at its appearance. No, what has surrounded each other layer by layer has always been both image and sculpture in one. We are by no means dependent on our own dimension. Everything what is, is in such a way, as it appears. Thus it is to be assumed as correct that everything has appeared dual.

Something is near and far. Something is quiet and loud. Depending on how much it has affected us, we have assigned such valences to the phenomena of this cosmos.

Meanwhile, some have complained to us about how much the perceived is, after all, characterized by a peculiarity of the subject as a human being. But to make the dual approach complete here, it can be stated that object and subject have behaved to each other like object and surface. What has been there to be heard physically has resulted. What, however, has been of the kind of a surface, has not mattered and has not contributed anything. It has appeared too distant to still be allowed to be considered as a source for phenomena.


Movement patterns

A movement should be good for the person. To do this, he must normalize his strength, but just as well minimize it. A person who has managed without much effort would also not wear out his body unduly. A principle for Mathias Schneider, who is a mechanic, has been that something will be right if it has been possible without the use of force. He has been able to untie many a knot by pulling on the right thread. The string then moved and lost its tightness.

The reason why man moves should have meaning for him. There everything serves his self-preservation. Such a presupposes it that man has produced a use value for others. Such a use is to be now the currency, which justifies an employment of us. Meanwhile everything has already happened. We have found at the time of the present a whole cosmos of peculiarities which are interwoven.

For us this was not less valid in an analogous way. Yes, we have really recognized and perceived it that we humans, despite our independence from everything, have continued to stand in relationship with that what has always conditioned us.

The matrix of thoughts has meant something for us. We have perceived them as internalized with us and have left the hands of it. The concern as a living being needs the observance. Our own strength we have not tried to decimate at all.

This is what has come to us. Something has come true through it. Constantly we humans are afflicted with doing something that is supposed to improve the given. There could be nothing better than something good. But everything is good because it appears as it is. With it our fluttering ends, our hectic urge seems obsolete from then on.

Now, in order to give our being a clue of what can be made of us without triggering a restlessness in us, we choose the observance of a proportion of the physical peculiarities of us and leave it as it is. Soon after that, we can see that our form has corresponded to geometrical peculiarities that have been variable.

In order to do us some good, we have used the comprehension gained at such a realization to give us a form and to inscribe it to us. For this we have characterized it first.

A shape is unique. It always appears in the same proportion.

Forms are interchangeable, but always lead to determinations. Such can have a favorable or a disadvantageous effect.

Now we shall get down to the nitty-gritty. We describe the peculiarities of the form as we have heard them as existing.

We choose a shape for which it is true that it is closed.

We choose a form for which it is true that it is regular.

We choose a form for which it is true that it is scalable.

Mathias Schneider has mostly dealt with a square proportion of his body and has tried to inscribe such a proportion. For it, he has taken his upright posture as the central axis and thus joined the left and the right side of his body proportionally to each other. In doing so, he has not taken any other object into his hands than the one that has just offered itself for it. A load with something additional he has cancelled before with himself to a large extent. There he has stood there with loose hands and has hardly known to consolidate himself at first.

It has been like a circumstance of luck that the presented square has inscribed itself more and more perceptibly to him. There he has recognized this frame and has aligned himself physically according to it. Some relief could be released by it. Something good has thus soon become true for him. Mathias Schneider now trains himself on the square in a constantly new variance. The fact that his attention can be directed to him and integrated into his own actions has not harmed him at all.

By means of a playful approach, he has thus found something for himself that inscribes his movement patterns with something paired with neatness. The impulsive nature and the physical appearance of him finally went well together. It intervened in the change of his life things by stabilizing him. He dealt with it in a beneficial way and was able to achieve many things for himself, which he would like to be happy about nowadays.



Circles that become narrower and yet remain as they were before give my movement a concentricity. They strengthen thanks to the intensity of what is perceived. A fixation on the good takes place.


Of the syllable and its sounding

The whole should be good. With this, we determine what makes up the whole. For this purpose, we let go of everything and look at what remains to us. What we have detached from ourselves, we consider as something external. It has remained exchangeable. But what would not be exchangeable is supposed to be the fixed thing that conditions us. There we have made it true that we want to recognize it as it has been completely right for us. So it has appeared to us, from there it has also been relevant for us.

The things have a being to own. We have read something from it. We have equated ourselves with it, which has always constituted us. For it we have assumed an equivalence among us people, because we are all charged with something like that. That has existed, something like that has happened.

We are by no means equipped with the verve of a singer. But we too have known how to speak, to hum and to clap. Occasionally, a catchy word has escaped our lips. This has surprised us from time to time. In the same way, we recognized the syllables of a language as something that should rightly be preserved. There we have inscribed ourselves such sounds, as they have gone along with it.

There have been many a bang in our environment. That has certainly made a difference to us. Some dialog is good to hear, but there are also such sequences of togetherness that no one wanted, but also no one needed. As a result, something has been lost to us. Some affection we have given up. Love has sometimes been strongly dampened by the truth of our own existence. We take this into account. With everything we have, we set out to give something reasonable of ourselves, which should reach people. At times, our way of saying something has gotten through to people. They have not conceded anything to us.

A value of the given has made it out what has found favor with the people there. Every egoist would like to be confirmed. According to the own disposition he does this himself. But with it he has made it true that he rejects his destiny. The lie then takes possession of him. He could not distinguish it from his self-affirmation. With it one has burdened oneself with something.

Starting from an unfavorable condition of the given, man chooses a word to be said by him. But, before he will pronounce it, he has localized where he wants to put it. For this purpose he has also chosen a suitable time. What has sounded there from us, has also a meaning for the good.

Sometimes we hummed and hawed in order to do something good for ourselves. If other people also preferred to laugh, we let them do so.

We have carried sound formers on us. We have made them resound in a sonorous way. Some of it has pleased us, what has arisen there with us. Sometimes it has been whole syllables, which we have intoned. We have spoken or sung them. Meanwhile we modeled the breath and modulated our voice. After that, everything faded away. What remained, however, has found its existence before us completely rightly.


Focus and concept of the known

This world exists for every man as a cosmos. He grasps such a cosmos. With it it has become his own. He carries his idea in himself what constitutes the cosmos. He knows therefore that such occurrences have conditioned him, how they are connected with it. They continue to do so.

The focus of the person can be placed by him on a trigger. Such a trigger embodies a mechanism and serves the regulation. There we are well advised to accept a trigger as something that has occurred with us. If we have access to such a trigger, we should correspond to ourselves, because we can arrange something with it.

There we understand our way as one which is consistent. In leaving the given we have found something that enables us to omit what alone needs to be done only optionally. Such things should only be used when they have been needed and at the same time have offered an appreciable added value.

In an integral way we grasp the given and assign it to us. Thereby it transforms itself. It takes something from us and gives something to us. That has corresponded to the lawfulness of the vibration that an exchange is stimulated.

With the help of a representational idea we afford an attempt to the concept of the given. This is supposed to be something objective. We have attached something to it. We recognize it as a concentration of our mental strength, how well we can hear it, what is there. We consider an intensity of what we hear as something good and recognize from it that we have our own strength to form something. That may occur with pleasure with us internalized, what has come into being through it. It should be like an interconnection of the given, what happens there, while we plasticize with an imagination what has been there.


The power of good

Expenditure has not suited man. What has done him good, however, has been a use of his means for the benefit of a community. He took pleasure in the fact that he was able to contribute something. For this he is committed that this will be true.

Everyone knows it completely rightly that something good also draws further good after itself. There the people increase their forces for an employment, so that something comes about through them. They lead their things over to the order and preserve everything as it is given. One needs to correspond to a nature alone only to experience it with oneself. At the same time such a nature equips us with many an agility.

What is true increases the truth. For this reason we have appeared, for this reason we have made something true. Those who built on us, we served in the same way. With special devotion we have given to those people who have taken action themselves when something bad had to be averted. In return, we respected them for not letting anything go to waste.

All human being has also such parts to own, which have arisen. They have been induced. For this one has corresponded to an order, so that such a thing happens. We have kept the peace, so that the evil passes away. We have not kept a hatred. There it has passed away with us sometime. With it something at area for less headless conditions has become free. Something has come into being and has also been needed. That has pleased us very much.

Without taking the ground from a certain joyfulness, we would now like to briefly discuss what has made us the current situation, which prevails with us. We do this in thought, but we also do it with words. Some of it we have worked out, others have been brought to us. Every person has his thoughts. Every person has his words. That has rightly existed.



The course of events wills it so that everything starts at a place which is well suited for it. Before, everything was in a limbo. There it has been optional, but has not yet been able to appear. However, as soon as something has become possible, it has also happened. There the living has perceived its existence and has felt strengthened in it to prosper as a seedling.

Such seedlings have the character of nuts. They are very consistent, even as a construction they have been exemplary. Their hard shell has given these capsules a power, thanks to which they can develop almost undisturbed inside. However, at some point the fruit has been ripe and formed the sapling.

It is in the nature of a seed that it will grow into the image of the plant on which it has grown.


A positive example

Too much is worse than too little has been. (thought quote)

Starting from a situation of disorientation of man, we dare to create order in ourselves. For this we assume a general disorientation and form a new seed for the normal, ordinary and good. It should be a positive example of what a human being can achieve. In the aftermath of this, relative references to it should arise and movements can take place with us.

We were stuck in a state of dissolution. Nothing has changed with us anymore. The cause of this state was an activity. It appeared inwardly and occurred with us. Because of it, everything has disintegrated, a temple is present in its ruined state and gives our face, our vision of the living. An overheating is supposed to be connected with it. Nothing has stood firm any more, everything we have carried away in this whirlpool and have produced a lot of unrest.

In the first of all steps, we have established what is given to us right now and what has made us. With that we have recognized it, with that we have picked up and taken ourselves. Thus we have returned. The beyond has been a this world in which we are still entangled. This is how we work and this has an effect. Everything about it has been true, but it has not helped anything. As it has been, we have to leave it. We have had these experiences. Let's just hold on to them.

There we have acquired our own knowledge in life and used it. We looked at the memorable state of decline and attributed something to things. We have recognized that the phoenix and the ruin have embodied the same principle. What has appeared today still in such a questionable state, already carries something at its heart, which contains its upswing. There we recognize the given and its meaning. As we have placed ourselves to it, we have also appeared.

There we have looked at the teaching and left it. All the time we let it be based on the order. With it it has not appeared, because everything orderly has already sufficed. That has become true completely rightly so. With that it shall continue to be true. So it shall remain, because everything of it has been evident.

Meanwhile, the crux of the matter has been nothing other than a shadow in the flickering candlelight. Would that seem unpredictable, but the light gives warmth and glow. Its glow is so alive, which has greatly enhanced the candle.

That's where we put such things in our environment and leave them. We set them to be able to do justice to their own order. With it we raise the order and begin to submit to it. A hearing of it occurs what has conditioned us. The fact that we ourselves have arranged it so for us and also with us should be clear.

There we have conceded something to ourselves and yet not taken it up. Moderately our being has appeared. In spite of all inward restlessness, which existence has already weighed us down, we persist in such a situation. It has been in front of us, however, we have sunk and have done nothing to it.

The world is benign. It has been us who have created an imbalance. Since the work and the effect correspond with each other, we have reflected it in us and have stood there very stupidly at the end. Truth results, truth makes it what is given. There we speak to the life its reality and recognize it as our basis for the existence of us. It has its own form to own. It determines it, what we experience. Accessible is everything, it is we ourselves who have kicked and wriggled so that everything has passed.

We stop the course of things with us by keeping our aliveness. Life gives birth to living things, what gives birth to living things, from what life becomes. With it we are referred and have enough for us to be able to continue our way. To this end, we sit down. The journey has already begun.

What works on us is enough for us. We do not put one foot in front of the other and yet we hurry. There the things pass, our luck has no continuance to own. Let it happen. Let us put an end to the annoyance about what was in our power. Let us make something true and keep it, as we have recognized it. That should be no harm, that everything experiences its own course. Everything stumbles because everything has fallen. What should disturb us of it?


The yoke

Point and connection, a rod and its joint shall have made it out what has been. With it shall now be known what can become and wants to become.


The face of things

The whole of the experience of a man forms his treasure of experience. This is necessarily 100 percent of what is given to him, although one would not have to distinguish here to whom something will be given and to whom it would not be granted. Everyone has experienced his life. Meanwhile it is to be considered something what one has to own, finally an existence as a human being has been connected with it. To the whole of a reality as a human being the individual has received an access. His sphere of experience has always appeared equal to such of other people.

Make it clear what this means. Conclude it from the fact that humans are to be put to each other on an equal footing. Thus one has prevented a loss of integrity. The simple man is considered no less than a heavyweight loaded with thoughts. He who has said much has not embodied more than a mute. He who has seen much of the world has not appeared wiser than a blind man.

There the world has a face to own. It has a luster about it. Thanks to such an estimation of the given, we have been able to establish that there is something that is. It has not been in any way without its own ability, since everything can deceive us. In a world that appears, the reflections have no cause of their own. Everything has appeared at the same time. There are no sequences of it outside of the temporal mode of appearance. Such will have to be strictly separated from what is emanated. For this we have laws, by them we make something. No matter what a nature is to us, it has continuance. But what has no continuance is supposed to be something unchangeable. Exactly this thing I understood as the time and thought about it. It dwells in the things immanently. It has always kept its face. The time becomes then the cosmic order of magnitude if it keeps its form. In this it is imperishable that it always passes.

Such a paradox expresses how perfect our language is. With its help we build the worlds. In front of our inner eye the reality appears in its real form. Characterized by everything and nothing, it has its certain value for us to own. That should be everything what we can receive.

That's where we got it right. This is supposed to be a simple postulate. Starting from the assumption that no human being has appeared wrongly, everyone carries something of what is good, true and right. Thereupon we have left it with us as it has been and have lost nothing of it. We have served a preservation of the given. We have studied and understood its principle. For this we have done nothing. Meanwhile, the face of things has remained the same. In the meantime, we have looked at some circles and thus have internalized the essence of the things.

Terrible is the creative power of man. Dreadful are his works.


A classification of what is perceived

Who has made a reproduction of his thoughts and ideas, participates by means of their help in an event in the world. There his appearance will no longer be able to be erased because he has already occurred. What one would like to take away from his participation in the life, one must suppress. One is busy with it. This is a task for the one who has dealt with such a thing. Thus, the person who has eradicated all happiness in himself and others, soon has no hand free to move something for the good for himself and others. His life shall be one of truth. What he has caused, fall back on him.

There we locate a behavior of the human being. Would like to preserve it.


Bring something to a stop

Starting from the idea of a lability of what is given to me, I make true something that I can. There I perform something and imagine it that it is able to inscribe itself to me what I have experienced thereby. As a result of this, I regulate my things by doing them with care. The drive for it exists by itself, since a care releases something good. There it also moves me in a way equivalent to it. I have always referred to it. I have constantly held to it.


Modes of appearance of a material form

Starting from a definition of the quality of a bond between elementaries, we quantify it. For this purpose we name their freedoms. Such freedoms are known. For this reason we can count them. Depending on how many of such freedoms prevail, we determine the degree of bonding between the occurring substances. There this world is still one. Their appearance has revealed to us everything what we know.

In a world, which has emerged through the occurrence of four entities (space, time, matter and spirit) and their rivalry, much has to do with an orientation, which has meant something.

For initial orientation

The space and the substance are different from each other and are to be understood as such.

Substance, space and mind (the 'Three') are external orders of magnitude. Time is an internal order of magnitude (the 'One').

A rivalry of the 'One' with the 'Three' has led to their separation from the 'One'.

All secondary effects are of a benign nature.

Now it is to be discussed what was meant at the beginning with a determination of the freedoms of the elementaries. There we give first of all their reciprocal magnitude and call it bond. It gives the things a hold, which reaches far beyond their immanent mode of appearance and includes them into such a compound, as it exists by the fact that something is given.

without bond - the particle stands for itself and is separated, which should correspond to the state of a noble gas.

a monovalent bond - a pure substance in its gaseous manifestation

a divalent bond - a pure substance in its liquid appearance

a trivalent bond - a pure substance in its solid appearance

overdetermined bonds - squat and twisted mixtures of solids, the natural appearance of the visible world

It needs an assignment of the freedom to the number of bonds, in order to show it, how the freedom is to be made visible. We would like to learn to imagine it.

The absence of freedom results from the overdetermination of bonds and makes everything impossible.

A freedom results from the trivalence of the bonds. A body can be shifted or determined in its position.

Two freedoms result from the bivalence of the bonds. A body can carry out relative movements to itself.

Three freedoms result from the univalence of the bond. The body can transfer forces, but it moves independently in space.

Four freedoms result from the fact that something does not feel an inner urge for an attachment to something given. There is a certain independence from what one has to call an adherence to things.

The substance, which has four freedoms to own, is actually none. It should rather be a solitaire, thus a real atom, which is also able to exist as such.

By a substance one understands much rather a solid body mixture than an atomic state of the given. There this mode of appearance of the given becomes the cause of a reality as we know it. Everything is like that, the atomic state, however, is rarely found. It embodies an outer limit of the modes of appearance of a nature, but not more than that. If there is a fluid for it, what appears, then it is to be such a noble gas, as it goes along with the atomic state. A force effect goes out from it which could not be more inferior. For this reason it embodies for me the highest height of the attainable. All brilliance proceeds from the fact that it is present.


Tangential paths, normal alignments

Without a freedom, there is no way. There all fortune falls from us, as long as we have not gone a way. But if we have a first freedom, then we finally use such a fortune as it has come to us.


Own work

Thanks to my self-realization after the long years of a crisis of meaning of a professional nature, I have found an approach to how I can create a self-power as a human being. For this purpose I have been active as an artist. Starting from blank sheets I did this. Thereby I found after long hesitation to a concept of emptiness. It is interwoven with the given and is inherent in everything through its mode of appearance as a nothing. There it happened in a flash and something emanated.

The fact that it has been unusual to admit and acknowledge such a thing has a great significance for the course of my life. That's when I drew pictures. I have drawn what the stuff holds. Something came into being. Some other things were already contained in it, which only later in my life found a more precise expression. That's how I learned to paint.

Due to a lack of money, I also wrote. I have done that in an equivalent way. There have been blank sheets for this as well. Pens and paper have been cheap to buy. Without shifting my focus, I now wrote what I could in a painterly manner. In the process, my world view has solidified. In the course of it I have put what has occurred in my environment. Some of it I have made right.

Thereby I have become the one, which I had already been before. Only a processing of the whole has taken place with me. I had to learn some lessons before that was true. But then, when I managed to realize myself with what I know, I finally appeared in front of other people in an adequate way. This has improved my quality of life because it has secured my existence.

Little by little I have developed a methodology which has enabled me to describe my existence. I have formed a system from words. Thanks to a 'naming and taking note' of the given I have been able to realize that. With increasing strength I also trusted myself more. At some point I realized that my writings are actual 'thought protocols'. They came into being during 'free-writing hours'. Their peculiarity has been that they have helped me to access my actual memory of my life. My 'mirror' has now appeared not so dull. In the course of a continuation of this way I have been able to recover. With Werk I have done that.

In the meantime, I have sifted through my library. I have stopped adding to it even more than it already is. Everything that I have ever read has gone there with me to sink and to deepen me in spiritual way. In the meantime I have documented with work what has appeared in me in the Bedanken at stirrings. As a contemporary witness of the present epoch I appear and have described nevertheless only myself. My world of thoughts is one like every other also. Only their connotation shall be special. What has coined me has been unique. Also for this the same shall be allowed to apply. That will be so with everyone. Certainly, I derive the right to the description of what has made me. It should be the equivalence of it what has confirmed it. I have not only named it, I have also postulated it.

Thanks to the idea to start as an artist from the dregs of human existence, I have found my metier. All evaluation of it should be additional. Others must do that, insofar as they have a need for it.

Meanwhile, I go my way.

Force approach

An elimination process

Starting from a given goodness of our physical peculiarity, which actually should exist from the bottom up in every human being, we choose a noble state for the structure of our forces. For this purpose, we leave everything as it is and consider the relevant parameters of the force which are effective in us in situ. The clearer our behavior has been, the more clearly we have heard the arc of tension which runs through us as an effect of force. To start at it should be done in an equally noble way as it corresponded to the previously chosen characteristic of the structure of the forces. There we start from the best and maintain its condition.

Regardless of the variant of tension that runs through us locally, we carefully perceive what is there. We presuppose a correspondence of it with our behavior. We call this state of affairs a mental state. There we have a possibility to deal with what is currently working on us.

Without disregarding the structure and peculiarity of the body, we imply that our breathing follows a vegetative principle that must be respected. For this we apply the approach that a volume is filled with negative pressure in the manner of a vacuum, which should stimulate everything about us. At the same time, we unify the entire structure of our body by harmonizing and maintaining all dimensions of the force on us with this rhythmic element of breathing. As a result, we learn a normal way of dealing with the fact that we breathe and that this breathing should, but also can, vitalize us. There we find ourselves, because we can let go of everything that has not been listening to us. For this reason, I have considered this procedure as one thanks to which superfluous things about us can be eliminated from us. It is to be noted here that a vacuum pulsates as well as releases a negative pressure by itself.

With this, we have brought everything in line with us.


An assemblage of effects

With the teachings of chemistry and physics one grasps the connection of effects which underlies the phenomenal property of this world. Their unification happens thanks to a synopsis of the whole. Thereby one can perceive it that everything occurs limited and weighted what will be there. For this reason we have recognized an order, which is able to prescribe such conditions, as it is valid for the phenomenal appearances in the world. We have complied with it as soon as we have known a definition of what it is. In this process the speeches have come into being, which have given us support. Many a word has been said and afterwards faded away again.

That's when we looked at man as a spokesman and kept silent. He who has something to say can just as well keep such a thing to himself. He is therefore not subject to any compulsion to express himself without a basis for doing so.

What has happened to us while we have been silent has meant something to us. There it has made us rich what we have kept with us. A concern of man is thus endowed, because he has recognized it for himself without disclosing it unduly to others.