

Faith, love and hope should form a force for the whole with us.


Zero round

What will be more difficult to accomplish than the good belonging to each situation? - He who dedicates himself to the preservation of what has been formed in a benign way will have his hands full. There will be at times the earthly resistance to his works. The course of the things is a mighty stream and the true events often did not fit together properly.


Everyone has the same

The one thing that makes us human is supposed to be what is the same for everyone. Each of us has his own way of dealing with what he has. So it happens that we try to distinguish ourselves from each other. We think that we can stabilize and increase our happiness in life.

However, only that in which we humans are equal to each other constitutes the happiness of us. Therefore, this will be a big chunk that we have to chew.

For the being of the human being with his imagination it should be valid that there are two things to be considered before everything else, which correspond to each other. They form us and make us what we are. There would be the formed and something not formed to name. Both have the property to appear at the same thing.

The formed is also to be inscribed to us, something not formed would be 'empty' against it. This corresponds to an appearance of the things, but it will also be fair to their occurrence. Thereby the one without the other is nothing. Only in the compound these two aspects of the given occur and form the essence of the occurrences.

The emptiness is to be like a light and to give to the things their appearance, but also their sound. There it forms a substance, what has emanated. The formed out attacks on it and gives to itself thereby a structure which is according to it. There something is formed by these two aspects, which we know well.


The good and the bad are actually of the same unity and would not oppose each other just like that.



Starting from here a journey begins into the nowhere realm of the fantasy of a language designer and painter. Even if his works were not particularly successful, he has certainly had some pleasure in presenting them to you here and elsewhere.

It has sometimes been painful for him that not much of it has been properly received. So Schneider has sometimes had little to gain from the fact that he has achieved this.

Hats off to each individual who is able to correctly understand something of what has been said here. What has emerged will probably one day become important for Schneider's future as an artist.



Just as a cook will not expect everyone to be able to eat everything he has been prepared to cook, neither should a painter expect every one of his works to be pleasing. A language creator, moreover, should not aspire to have his words regarded as a fluid of life without reason.



If I have something to do, that's what I want to do. I want to do something good with what is there. In the process, I can learn something that I need for life. Thus my fortune for this life has grown. As a result, I have been able to create improved works.

Maybe I will be able to show someone else what I am actually capable of. That should make me, that I have realized something like that.



If a truth has been spoken which will be inconvenient and obstructive for other people, then it is allowed to do so nowadays. Man has become free to state such facts in detail.

But what about the words that put man in the right light? - They should be those that make something possible for him. That can be given in such a way. May such a statement be addressed equally? - I ask myself that there.

What would actually be so valuable and good for man that he would willingly want it named by himself?



Anyone who thinks something of himself gives his things a certain direction. Thereby they would no longer turn out arbitrarily. In this way, man preserves a reference to the existing and can nevertheless determine this for himself. He thus gives himself an orientation in order to invest himself with something certain, which he needs.



The difference between a free and an unfree person would probably be that he will also do what he has said. He will basically do it immediately, since freedom has also been a condition for life.


Advance thinking

Man wants to have something from the fact that he ekes out his existence. So he gets something done and is content with the resulting success. Why should he also receive more than has been granted to him? - Everything has always been finite, nothing else than that would be given with certainty. There the course of the life becomes for some a bad Hudelei, because he has not resigned himself to it, as it is. One runs for a long time after some phantoms which would improve nothing. The world is unfortunately full of such. Everything that would not be given to us rightly, can be only stolen alone. There it will be good that one has not accepted such a thing.


Towards the fire

You stand up to the adversary. He presses you where he can. All coolness and all calmness depart from us when the storm has raged around us. We give no room to the conflagration.

It ignites by itself whenever it can do so. One therefore pays attention to the given. The flames of the inferno will quickly be some if one has been careless.


Mindfully feel the warmth

Those who have sought access to the events of their everyday life will probably be able to hear one in themselves. Thanks to a sense this is to take place. Thereby it has become true that the given things have also appeared. They do that in any way, as that is intended for them.


Normal distribution

A function has sometimes been even worse than a technique. With their help man has created those automatisms which can infiltrate his spirit. There should be clearly valid borders for it. They have been neglected mostly what has made the thing also not better.

There have been many words when it comes to function and technology. Their failure is meanwhile gladly dropped under the table. So the conditions for it get out of sight and man is easily mistaken. One can believe in a technique just as little as one can know more about a function than its range of validity. Basically, everything did not work. The plans are obsolete, the nature of man corresponds to a failure if he has got lost in thought. The whole, what goes out from mankind, is obscure.

Some people, meanwhile, were well versed in everything. At least they pretended to be. The farther something has been from them, the clearer and more incontestable their idea of it has turned out. There they made it known that they had a clue about it.

Sometimes such people have taken our word for it. They have thereby underpinned their position and sought supremacy for themselves. However, the fact that so many people have done so has by no means justified this behavior. It results from the simple urge of the people to know something better and to announce that they can do it better than you. Your words, meanwhile, have rarely supported our speech or added to it in a conducive manner.

The enmity is lived through the hostility. But a friendship to us so none has arisen. We have to accept that. We did not choose it at all. We had to accept it that way because nothing was granted to us.


Unrighteousness and remorse of the judged

In an emanating world, the negative also affects in a negative way. How can one claim that it didn't matter to put things in such a light? Who can claim that he did not care about something, if it nevertheless had an effect as if there had been no tomorrow? - There people laughed and so spent their time with joy. Meanwhile, the pus of such inflammation went to their heads. Without the human reaction to the given, no one could cope. The fact that it is bound has already disturbed man. Then he has given himself to the delights which he has longed for all the more the more miserable he was with his existence. All wealth has been used up because of it, man has raved and cried like an upset child. He has been irascible, the sudden change of his conditions has meanwhile cost him his backbone. That's when he lost his footing and fell. What he had once set loose has now reached him. There it hung again on him, which way he would like to go. Step by step a ladder has arisen with him, which he has climbed up or down, as soon as he has experienced an opportunity for it. Everything has corresponded to the man at any time. The question, what it has been for him, has always been irrelevant for it. He himself has moved it, there he will have caused it. While we have experienced the given, we have also understood this reality.


Purity of meaning

The realism stands for a catalysis of the human being, for a loss of its true value and those peculiarities which have resulted as qualities from a stock of the given to him. There he determined everything what can arise. Everything what once had a continuance to own, he has extinguished. Thereby the man has wasted his time with nonsensical considerations and brooding, when he has approached the reality of a realism. That residual value of the good has crushed him. Then he rejected it completely and exposed himself to the nullity of the given. It was absurd and he had to cope with it. Finally, the catalysis had to end when everything meant nothing anymore and the existence of the given was lost.


Life design and bloodletting

As a rule, a hero has not been recognized especially when he did something that went against the grain. So we started to disregard him and left his works unnoticed. Meanwhile, this person pulled out all the stops to draw attention to himself. We did not care about their case. Only in retrospect did we understand what we had done and how it all happened. But then it has been the right time to show remorse and behave well. Without receiving a certain amount of shame by itself, nothing of a moral value has happened among people yet. Those who have not feared that they will fail one day have no idea of the significance of what they have given.

Speech design


It should be the reader who makes it. The book has been nothing but an object. In him the descriptions are illustrated to the incidents of the existence of a man.

Every person has a right to his own story. The simplicity of it should be the goodness of it. Sometimes it has been the case with us that we have misjudged the given. A standstill occurs in the life of man from time to time quite rightly.

Meanwhile, everything has come true. The whole thing has not been particularly significant. But so it was conceived also by me that the content of it should be based mainly on the basic forms of the human existence. That's why I didn't take the special experiences of me so much important when I brought my things to book. What has lasted today from it, is sufficient in my opinion to a consideration of the incidents of my existence.


A fallible reason

The reason of a human being is to be understood quite rightly as a limited capacity. What one has needed for himself has not always been enough for something good for other people. That soon led to a quarrel, if one did not agree. But also the quarrel about the true sense of the things has been useful sometimes to nothing, because one forgets thereby fast that the advantage of mankind has not necessarily also reached to an advantage of the people. Much has been done to improve things, but the individual is easily lost from view. After all, that's what it's supposed to be about.

A person who acts for God and the state, even if he takes into account the environment and himself, has sometimes already done everything wrong. Sometimes it is just not the good will that has counted something, but it has depended on his intention and its value.

The effects of a deed are to be considered only in the aftermath of it. The fact that we have not known them at all at the moment is supposed to be true. That is so, because for the actual doing of us, as it exists, such a thing could not be known. That is supposed to make us think, nevertheless.

Meanwhile, each person alone can only be what he is. There, where he has thought, his spirit rests and gathers. This can be heard by oneself. The lessons that life has in store for us determine whether we learn something.



Every person deserves a new chance every day. Meanwhile, I have realized that life is honest with me.

A person's happiness in life has sometimes been like a scale. What he has not endured, he has not received. That is why we have taken the yoke upon ourselves and dealt with it according to our peculiarities. This has brought us something with which we did not cope well. Meanwhile, forces have grown up in us because we have not refrained from standing up to our own cause. Their degree of maturity has endowed us with knowledge, which meanwhile has come true in life, because it has given an access to them. In a causal way, we have thus recognized the importance of the yoke as the cause of our fortune and have borne it.

It has not seemed easy for us to do everything right. But it would be of a clear kind if you go your way in a simple way. That is why we have made it true.

Some thoughts about it have just come to us. Some other thought about it has already been familiar to us. More and more we are familiar with the given. Thanks to the preservation of all that we were burdened with when we carried the yoke, something comes to us. Within our lifetime we shape our existence as it would like to appear, because in this way it has come true. This should be always more favorable than it has been a creation of unprecedented phenomena. We go a way of the acceptance, the awareness and the recognition of all what is there.

In the course of time, the yoke has hardly affected us in a violent way. There we have appeared as if it were normal for us to endure it. With a powerful calmness we are inwardly going and accordingly feel a strength from us for the life and its task as it appears to us. There the bell booms with a bright sound and we begin our day's work. A mode of working is something habitual for us. Without the work we are missing something.

Our own effort is for us the measure of the received happiness of life. Once we have performed in a proper way, our forces have also regenerated. The spending of them and the taking of them have reflected each other in a favorable way. We have accepted their effects and understood them in a certain way. Like a swing, these forces appeared to us as if they resembled each other. There we stood up for something and found ourselves. That support, which we gave to another person, made our patience possible and initiated a calmness in us, which made everything come true, which went out from us. There it has preserved what is peculiar to us. Its characteristic is a peculiarity that is able to reproduce itself. Everything charges itself in this activity in a playful way with equivalents of the same goodness.


Confined spaces

You cannot give anyone a freedom that you would not have yourself.

A free movement of institutions ends where the individual owns his right.


Life struggle

In the struggle for normality, man has found his own strength. There he has left it. He has found himself thus soon and has recognized it what makes him. There it is such things like the shadow casts what one has tried to accuse us at every time anew. Against this we have resisted. However, one could not lift his shadow.

People have expected us to follow their instructions. That is why they have always positioned themselves accordingly in our environment, that we have to do that. Everyone sees themselves as being right. Their success confirms them.

This is very thin ice on which we have been led. At times we have broken into it. The slab did not support us, the ground under our feet was unstable. Due to its properties, we have slipped and fallen several times. Meanwhile, the closer a failure of our forces has come, the more violently we are beaten. Only a solid person is left alone.

That's when we know about ourselves. We recognize our mistake. We avoid the arbitrary, therefore we are sometimes considered stupid by our fellow men. Our way strengthens their opinion. What we have done makes them laugh. There we have left it to lean on them. We have sometimes made it too easy for other people to seal our fate. They did it because it didn't weaken their position.


Euphemistic derailments

Evil remains evil, even if it has been rephrased. Many a sweetly colored word has served among people to camouflage what is actually absurd and to give it a new coat of paint. Many a delusion has been set free. Who would like to improve something, one takes distance from it to act in such a way. One puts it instead clearly out, what is meant. Every word is worth something, as long as it is used in the correct way for it.

Without an opportunity for the indication of the statement made, the whole, which is evil, continues unchallenged. Nobody has recognized it more.

In this way, everything goes astray and an unhealthy development is initiated. It is not enough to sew a white skirt for the devil and dress him in it. Infamous are the efforts of the people, as soon as it went around their reputation. Their efforts continue, nobody would like to have been bad more. All strive for the happiness of an improved habitus. However, it would be good to receive that value of the given as it is already represented by the language instead of doing such a nonsense and to disguise everything.

Even fashion has its price. No one gets rid of injustice by talking it up. Instead, we are to uphold an argument that acknowledges evil's sphere of influence and purpose, as well as keeping it in check. In a benign world, everything must be given a place and accommodated.

Good words should complement good words at all times. We have made this true. Without hustle and bustle it happened.


A freedom for life

Lack is a harbinger of need. In life, you have not been given anything, nor have you been forgiven anything. So go into yourself, if you want to have something. Arrange it for yourself in the way you needed it. What everyone has needed should be his own contribution, thanks to which we can make something possible for ourselves. Without it nothing has gone well with us.

He who has normalized his strength again and again can also show full commitment when he wants to accomplish something. In the same way it affects him what he has done. Whether he will have an advantage for his existence by it, must still show itself with him. So he should be able to learn it at least, how to draw something from the whole.

Let everyone take the pair of shoes that fit him. (Proverb)


Be with you

As long as something lingers, let everything else be. It should not matter at all which things have fallen in the process, after all they fall back into their stability. That will correspond to the structure of things, what happens there. So, give way.

So much in life goes through the hands and can be shaped by us thanks to them. There it should be good that these have been empty from time to time and have found to the rest. Thereupon it has come to our attention in a short time, which is obvious. We have approached this in time. Thus we have made something true.

Doing less would not be a mistake in this sense. At times, we simply let go of everything. That's where it can recover, which should make us strong.

We rotate the arms back to their original position. That's when a torsion can stop impacting us. We hold the actual rest position for a few moments, then we still dissolve the last force of the arms. Everything leaves us there, but everything also arises anew. There we found it good that our body takes part in this. Some resonance and also some reflex thus renew our being. There we finally come forward and are with us.

Stopping has been more important than starting. Then, when the barrel has overflowed, the damage to us will be greater than if it had not been filled in the first place. You can also trade with empty barrels.

Pausing gives our things their volume.


Secure thoughts

I like the Christian values, which I already got to know in my childhood, because you can clearly see in them what they are connected to. There I have experienced in my life a corresponding existence. Sometimes I have been able to do something for what has happened. Then I have been very glad about the fact that I have already thought about the meaning of what was given to me. The good I stood up for gave me meaning and made me the person I have remained to this day.

In the course of my life, I have tried to think through the principles of the Christian life and have been oriented toward a unity of man with his faith. I have always looked for a good teacher for myself, I have talked with my fellow men. There have been many exchanges among them, many true things have been able to find their way to me. I have known how to listen to that and have learned something about my existence.