

About your own business

Schneider wants to show off on the Internet alone only what he once painted, wrote or recorded music.

What he has written is now ready to be read. What he has painted can be viewed. It is to be seen whether someone likes it. But what about his music? - There would be something to say about it, too. It has embodied the very origin of his works. That is so true, even if it has been kept quite simple in the meantime.


Note on the work

Schneider's work still contains a certain imbalance in its structure. The readership should be allowed to know this. Therefore, it should not be viewed solely with accuracy. It also has its own dynamics. It can reflect such a dynamic in the way he understands and applies the given.



Schneider has still found little pleasure in the speech of some people. This has become clear to him, while in his presence they have referred to something not present on the spot at the time of the event, which they can neither have experienced nor done.

Those people who thought that they were able to say something suitable about everything, therefore sometimes annoyed him a lot. After all, such a person who has lost his way should not be believed in everything he says. If the author was concerned with something in his matter, then with the preservation of the inner order of a person.

Schneider has therefore clearly defined the boundaries for himself. What he has already created is probably not too little. Meanwhile, he is trying to come to terms with himself. In the meantime, he has prepared all that which can now be found here and elsewhere as word, image and sound.


What we have already been willing to do, we have enjoyed doing. But having to be active without any desire to do something has sometimes equaled many a nightmare.


Cover letter

Dear Sir or Madam,

here on the small wiki ''Art-Trash' - Being at peace' - you will find a short overview of the art work of M. Schneider, *1975, an 'Art-Trash' activist from Germany. It also contains a portal to the other wikis from his pen as a 'construction kit' of his own making. His content page with pictures and music is attached to it. You can find the overviews in the menu 'Small header' under the two buttons there. What can be found here on the wiki is supposed to be a concise summary of what has been elaborated much more extensively elsewhere by the author. He would like to make the basis of his work understandable to you with this Internet page. His commitment to 'Art-Trash' should be clearly visible to you.

Please have a look around on this page. There would be so many things to find here, which are still waiting to be discovered by outsiders.

Have fun with it now wishes you,

With kind regards

the author Mathias Schneider