Own frequencies

Scheme of the excitation of an internal resonance



The stone should be a clock. - (Principle of natural frequency as application)


To own frequency

One of the most important areas for Schneider within mechanics has become that of natural frequencies over time. During his mechanical engineering studies at the Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, he learned about and studied such things in a lecture on mechanics as well as in the FEM laboratory.

Here he has drawn once tentatively an exciter of an inner resonance. This sketch should be no more than an esoteric speculation in the form of a schematic drawing of him. He did not know how to determine exactly what it is all about. That what makes the resonances possible with solids is an existent natural phenomenon.

He would like to be able to imagine them. That's why he created the image once. Schneider likes to look at it and can also derive something from it. Admittedly, this will hardly be anything else than a vision, what there is to experience. But he can derive from the drawing something of his own understanding of such things as they have to do with a resonance, and so gradually grasp his inner picture, which has arisen in him on an unconscious level during the study of the inner resonance.

He would like to make visible for you what he has experienced in the course of time by also writing something down about it. Many a word has already been said by him about this before. Here the whole is to be summarized now clearly.

The thought structure or model of it should be such a thing as it is connected with the actual deep reflex of a man. The kinds of resonance occurring inwardly with him would be to be connected mentally with each other, because they exist as a similar order of magnitude. Their appearance is that of a sum of single phenomena. Such are neither of the same duration nor of the same intensity and also not of the same frequency.

There he has left the given and has dealt with it. Thus he has made out something of it in himself. Sometimes he felt something of it in himself, but he hardly knew how to convey it properly. Nevertheless, he would not want to despair because of it. Instead, he waits to see what further thoughts and ideas will arise during his work on the "construction kit". Maybe something will be released in him, which makes a clarification of such emotions possible. To classify such roughly has already happened. Natural frequencies, own frequencies and inner resonances are to be that what appears there so bundled and interwoven in form of vibrations at the solid body. There they carry an equal unity in themselves. The frequency as appearance of a complete step or also the duration of a movement form is supposed to be that. That is supposed to be synonymous to each other.

Such an assignment of the temporal appearances is to give to recognize their network and to make it distinguishable what occurs at it. This is to be observed, whereupon these formats of a time phenomenon can probably be assigned to the human movements sensibly. Subsequently, it is to connect the experienced to the already otherwise known natural phenomena of a physis. In the least, the complete step of action is to find at the execution of a form of it to the recognition.

Schneider once made the drawing as this thing came to him during his meditation on the subject. With it he has represented the phenomenon schematically. There are supposed to be many variants of it. It would be a logical step to draw such variants afterwards.

But how does he grasp such vibrations spiritually? - As energetic emanation of the material such resonances have an effect permanently in our environment and let the given appear as something visible. The circumstance that this will be given in such a way would probably not appear to us simply so plausible. We simply overlook that the objects must be made to shine in order to be visible. But since it is completely rightly a property of matter that it is visible in the light shine, that will also be to explain what constitutes a light. Everything what is there can appear only because it is there and that is perceived. Without a change of what it is, we would not recognize it.

Now those model properties, which came to bear during a visualization of the drawing, should simply be named once. For this purpose, the author has prepared a short list. It would not necessarily need to be called complete or even conclusive in its form. It was an attempt to give that.

The terms for recognizing an inner resonance, as Schneider envisioned it, are (among others) as follows.

Suspension; spring travel; ideally thin but stiff construction; mass; bearing; bearing location; spacing; dimension; coil spring; magnetism; restraint; release; transmission; polarization; vibration; resonance; heat; natural frequency; motion; shielding; delay; latency.

This is to show you an oscillator setting itself into resonance due to local conditions. This is supposed to be a kind of drive, which occurs pulsating at the material. It shall use its inner forces to load or unload the environment energetically. The given excitations from outside, but also an inner resistance of the material against such energetic displacements can be considered as energy source. Both options are to be assumed as existing and can move the oscillator. He himself would not be unloaded in himself either.

At the frame of the material substance the forces of the environment attack and have a stimulating effect on the oscillator. He is thus forced to the movement, frees himself of it, however, as soon as possible again by compensatory movements. Thus, the inner resonance serves to react to an actual environment in vibration. The system of the inner order of a material contains always also an opportunity for the restlessness of it.


Cold fire

If there is a fire coming from the materials, it will be the natural frequency. It is to be understood as energy emission on the smallest scale. This is to be a 'dancing' and 'playing' which emanates from all things. It leads to an enrichment of the world with potentials. A real diversity is emanated in this way.

Man will perceive what is going on in nature, since he is a part of it. If everything gets into disorder, then it appears as the cacophonous experience of a nervousness. Then everything will be diffuse. But now a person can let go of it and admit to himself that he is nervous. If a person empowers himself in such a way, then he can and will become a shaper of the given. He will be taken by what surrounds him.


The natural phenomenon and its appearance

Thanks to a release of the excess energies, the substances of this cosmos can stabilize. There they keep their form to a large extent. Nevertheless they occur and participate in the transformations of the world. What is near them, they impinge with a spark.

There everything fades away incessantly, which has emanated so violently. The function behind it is to be pronounced like a decay curve. So energies can be transferred that they move from one place to the other. Thereby they spread out. Thus they lose themselves in the environment. Everything finally comes to a standstill.



By means of a realization, many things can be changed for the better in a person. In our way of life, health comes from the spirit. We are expected to have one and know how to use it.

Basically we would like to consider the accessibility, but also the proximity of a thing to ourselves, if we would like to intervene formative into an event. For this reason we also like to start with our cognition with the actually occurring occurrence. We play it through what has occurred to us.

In the meantime, we may certainly make one assumption. It is hidden in the formulation 'this is me' or 'this is how I am'. This is certainly already a realization. It is supposed to be a very high form of it, because it has fulfilled certain conditions for it.

The realization has to do with ourselves. It concerns us.

A type of knowledge must be fundamentally usable for us in order to have lasting validity.

There we can train our being in dealing with the cognition. In our existence, there will always be situations in which we can correspond to it.